Sub-classes of macProcess will typically contain the code to deal with one Window. It will be written as a process - an endless loop - taking care of the events for the controlled window one at the time. All the processes for the different windows are scheduled by the macProcessMgr.
MacProcess operations:
ΓÇó procedure EnableEvent(eventNumber) - receive future events of type EventNumber.
ΓÇó procedure DisableEvent(eventNumber) - no longer receive this event.
ΓÇó integer procedure WaitNextEvent(anEvent) - Wait for the next enables event.
The integer returned is the code returned by the window manager routine
MacProcess also defines two virtually bound procedures to deal with go-away and
re-size actions from the user. Re-define these in your macProcess sub-class.
ΓÇó doGoAway - called when user hits the go-away button.
ΓÇó doSize(v,h); integer v,h; - called when the user have touched the re-size button.